Transform Your Stress with Over 500 Tapping Meditations. Until Friday, Try Premium Access Free for 14 Days and Receive 50% Off For Life if You Subscribe!

Start a 14-Day Free Trial of Premium Membership & Receive 50% Off, For Life, if You Keep Your Subscription.

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Try the Release Stress Tapping Meditation Now

Let's tap together to release stress from your body and mind. This Tapping Meditation will deactivate the fight or flight response, calm your nervous system, and open up to greater calm and positivity.


Life-Changing Benefits Await: Users Share Their Journey to Wellness with Our App's Premium Edition


"It took me awhile to wrap my brain around something so simple working - but it’s amazing! I have this tool with me wherever I go. Anything I need help with is right there. I just find a quiet place and tap it all better"

- Jessy

App Store Reviewer


"Found this app last year & just renewed my membership ! This app is amazing, easy to use and so helpful, it’s changed my life ! It was the best support when I was not well and thought that my life fell apart.

- Mila

App Store Reviewer


"The best meditative app I've found this year. Tapping really does work. Feel less anxious & happier in less than 10 minutes!"


App Store Reviewer


"My favorite stress-management app! I recommend it to all of my friends and clients!"

- Juan Carlos Rey, Ph.D.

App Store Reviewer


"I was suspect upon hearing this thing called ‘tapping’. I was fully into believing the placebo effect, thus was willing to give this healing modality a shot. I felt if nothing else, the fact that I am trying, taking action to improve my way of life will in itself produce positive progress. 

I felt it looked weird, seemed strange, and my daughters (plus wife) would laugh with me when they saw me begin to tap. My levels of stress began in the 8-9 range... soon enough, after every session I was 1 level lower in the stress I felt. I am now consistently at a 1 or even most recently 0 stress level!!!  This app has been TRANSFORMATIONAL."

- Scott

App Store Reviewer


✨ Try 14 Days of Premium Tapping Access for Free. Receive 50% Off For Life, if You Subscribe.

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EFT Tapping is a Scientifically Proven Technique to Manage Stress, Anxiety, Depression & More.

The Tapping Solution App is based on solid science. The form of tapping we use is called Clinical EFT. It’s an “evidence-based” method that has been validated in over 100 clinical trials.

 If you’d like to read more about this research, click here.

The Tapping Solution App has been evaluated in a scientific study and found to produce statistically significant reductions in anxiety and stress.

Start a Free Premium Trial and explore more than 500 Tapping Meditations.

Tony Robbins Loves Tapping

“Unlocking Your Very Best Self Starts With Taking Control Of Your Thoughts. One Tool You Can Use Is Tapping.”

"Over 125 studies have been conducted about Tapping, with the list growing every day. It has proven to effectively relieve stress, lower cortisol levels, improve sleep and productivity, and even boost your immune system"

You can find a morning and an evening tapping meditation, created and taught by Tony, in the premium edition of the app!

Here's How a 14-Day Premium Trial Works

Unlock more than 500 Tapping Meditations, Tapping Challenges & Audiobooks.
Transform Your Life With Over 100 Hours of Content from EFT Tapping Experts!

14 Day Free Trial


Pay Nothing and Enjoy 14 Days of Premium Tapping Access!


Is Your Trial Expiration Date. If You're Still a Subscriber, You Will Be Billed $94.99 $46.99 On This Date!


Ever feel like a tangled mess of stress?

Overcoming stress and anxiety can feel like trying to untangle a massive knot. You might loosen a few strands, but without addressing the core tangle, the problem persists.
If we want lasting change, we need to solve the ROOT of the problem
When it comes to your healing...

If you only try to fix the surface level you'll never get to fix the ROOT of your problems

If you don't fix the root cause, you'll keep experiencing:
  • Struggling to find calm and balance in daily life
  • ​Self-doubt and criticism following setbacks
  • ​Difficulty focusing due to intrusive anxious thoughts
  • ​Strained relationships due to anxiety and tension
  • ​Emotional exhaustion from constant stress
  • ​A sense of stagnation, limited options and feeling trapped

Here's The Good News 🎉

On this page we're going to show you the ROOT of where these emotions/ feelings and sensations originate from. Once you understand this, everything will change for you...

So Where Does It All Start? 

It All Happens In The Amygdala

If we want to fix the root of the problem, we must first look towards the Amygdala. It's the core processing area of fearful stimuli in the brain. In other words, it's where your anxieties, fear and worries all originate from.
Here's What To Do About It:

We Must Soothe The Amygdala

When you're thinking of something stressful, you feel it in your body, right? That's what we call a "low grade fight or flight response" and it's caused by the Amygdala sending stress signals to the Hypothalamus.

BUT... if we can soothe the Amygdala in moments of stress, that gives us an opportunity to reprogram that response so that the next time it happens our brain knows not to freak out because everything is okay and we are safe.

Let's Quickly Recap

We know that the Amygdala is responsible for the "low grade fight or flight response" that we feel when we get fearful, stressed, worried, etc. 

We know that when the Amygdala is calm, your nervous system is regulated, stress and anxiety levels are low and you have peace.

Most importantly, we know that we must soothe the Amygdala...

But HOW Do We Do That? 

Say Hello to Tapping

A unique combination of ancient chinese acupressure and modern psychology, Tapping is about unpacking the emotional issues and reprogramming the conditioned responses. It gets to the underlying limiting beliefs you struggle with. Above all else, it allows us to realign body, mind and spirit by letting the Amygdala (the source of our stress responses) know that we feel safe so we can let go of stress and anxiety.

"The moment we accept ourselves as we are, is the moment we can change"

Here's Everything You Unlock When You Start a Free 14-Day Trial of Premium Access...

What You Get #1

Unlimited Premium App Access

Unlock more than 500 Tapping Meditations to Relieve Stress, Sleep Better, Reduce Anxiety, Boost Confidence, Support Health, Align with Abundance & More. Low on time? Try 3-Minute MicroBoosts for quick relief. Use "Turn My Day Around" meditations to repair a rough day - or try the "Motivate Me" series to get anything done.
  • Low on time? Try 3-Minute MicroBoosts for quick relief.
  • ​Use "Turn My Day Around" meditations to repair a rough day
  • Try the "Motivate Me" series to get those more ambitious tasks done
What You Get #2

12 Tapping Challenges

Tapping challenges help you build a tapping practice through a gamified experience that makes it easier to be consistent. Choose the benefit you want and get started!
  • 3-Day Beginner's Challenge
  • ​5-Day Releasing Anxiety
  • ​8-Day Boost of Positive Emotions
  • ​8-Day You Are Enough
  • ​5-Day You Are Enough: Go Deeper
  • ​21 Days of Gratitude
  • ​5-Day Confidence
  • ​5-Day Pain Relief
  • ​Sleep Programming for Health
  • ​Sleep Programming for Productivity
  • ​Sleep Programming for Positivity
What You Get #3

Sleep Journeys

NEW - Sleep Journeys combine the best of meditation and bedtime stories, to create a unique experience that will leave you drifting off to a great night's sleep! If you're someone who struggles to ease the mind into a deep and restful sleep, then sleep journeys will change your life
  • Sleep Journey for Abundance
  • ​Sleep Journey for the Four Elements
  • ​Sleep Journey into the Seven Chakras
What You Get #4

Active Transformational Meditations (ATMS)

We developed this process because we personally felt a need for audio inspiration for those times in my life when you're unable to tap. When hands aren't available or when you're just busy with life. Podcasts or audiobooks or other audios just weren’t bringing me where I wanted to go. We wanted something you could just hit “play” on and have your mind, body and difference feel different when it was done. And so Active Transformational Meditations were born!
  • Hands-Free Tapping for when you're on the go
  • ​Feel inspired, motivated and energized
  • ​No need to tap or close your eyes, just listen along as you go through your life
What You Get #5

Tap with Tony Robbins
Morning & Evening

Distilled from Tony Robbins' own 20-year tapping practice, morning and night meditations with Tony will start your day focused, centered, and productive while helping you complete your evenings with a clear and calm mind that's ready to sleep deeply. With 10,000+ plays, users reported that Tony's morning meditation reduced stress by up to 54%! 
  • Cut Your Stress In HALF in Just 15 Minutes
  • Eliminate Anxiety, Lower Cortisol
  • ​Improve Sleep & Increase Your Productivity
Free Audiobook #1 

The Tapping Solution Audiobook

In this audiobook, you’ll not only learn how to start tapping, you’ll also get the history and cutting-edge science behind it. The Tapping Solution will show you how to tap on a variety of issues and identify practical applications. Throughout, you’ll also find unbelievable, real-life stories of healing, ranging from easing the pain of fibromyalgia to overcoming a fear of flying. Find out how to release your fears and clear the limiting beliefs that hold you back from creating the life you want.
  • ​Powerful tool for improving your life on multiple levels: mental, emotional, and physical
  • ​New Techniques to deal with seemingly impossible situations
  • ​Proven to effectively address a range of issues - from anxiety, chronic pain, addiction, and fear, to weight control, financial abundance, stress relief, and so much more
  • ​One of the easiest and fastest practices to learn. You can learn it in minutes, do it anywhere and on virtually any issue, and oftentimes experience immediate results.
Free Audiobook #2 

Tapping For Pain Relief Audiobook

In The Tapping Solution for Pain Relief, Nick Ortner presents a startling alternative. He lays out a step-by-step plan that teaches you how to use tapping, or EFT (emotional freedom techniques), to reduce or eliminate chronic pain. Looking at the scientific research surrounding pain, stress, and tapping, he opens your eyes to just how powerful tapping can be, and then outlines tips and techniques to address pain in both the short and long term.
  • Creating Personal Boundaries
  • ​Dealing with Toxic Relationships
  • ​Clearing Resistance To Change
  • ​Understanding the Power of a Diagnosis
  • ​Working Through Anger
  •  Easy-to-Follow Tapping Scripts & Exercises
Free Audiobook #3 

Create Lasting Change Audiobook

In this bonus, Jessica Ortner shares the lessons she’s learned about what it feels like to flow through change and how to create positive, lasting change in ways that feel both authentic and empowering. Ultimately, Jessica tells us, there’s profound beauty and joy in change, even when it doesn’t feel that way at the start. Listeners will learn how to use tapping (also known as emotional freedom techniques, or EFT) to navigate the unknown with new energy, hope, and an open heart. 
  • Finding our way through fear and uncertainty
  • ​Discerning whether our inner critical voice is friend or foe
  • ​Learning to release the doubts and fears that cloud our judgment
  • ​Getting past procrastination
  • ​Letting go of “goals” and finding a new way to focus on what you desire
Free Audiobook #4 

Manifesting Your Greatest Self Audiobook

Have you ever had the feeling your life just isn't working? That no matter how much you push and direct, or sit back and let go, the square peg you're holding just won't fit into the round hole that is your life? What if, instead, the roadblocks went away? What if you could experience more ease and flow in your life, banish self-doubt, fear, and anxiety, and live your greatest life? Can you imagine what that would look like - and more important, what it would feel like? Manifesting Your Greatest Self helps you not only imagine it, but make it a reality
  • 21 Day Process of Self-Discovery and Self-Development
  • ​Daily challenges to help your changes take root
  • ​Work through the program at your own pace
  • ​A fun and terrific listen where Nick shares his deep insight and stories
Free Audiobook #5 

Weight Loss & Body Confidence Audiobook

Jessica Ortner walks you through a process that helps you drop stress so you can drop pounds—without dieting, deprivation, or extreme exercise. Using her own struggles with weight loss, along with success stories of some of the thousands of women she’s worked with, Jessica teaches you not only the basics of tapping but also how to use it to address the deeper facets of your weight and self-worth challenges. Plus she teaches you to overcome some of the most common weight loss obstacles. Say good-bye to the cravings, panic, and self-doubt that keep you in a constant fight against your body!
  • Overcome the most common weight loss obstacles
  • ​Say goodbye to cravings, panic and self doubt
  • Stop the constant fight against your body

Premium FAQ

What is Included in Premium?

The best of The Tapping Solution! Premium users gain 10x more tapping meditations, In-Depth Tapping Challenges, all Tapping Solution NYT Bestsellers on Audiobook & New Meditations weekly. 

What if I Want to Cancel?

We aren't here to trap you :) 

Your Premium trial is no commitment. Cancel easily via email, anytime. No questions asked.

When Will I Be Charged?

Enjoy 14 days of free access! 

If you stay a subscriber, you'll be charged $46.99 (or just $3.92 a month), on the 15th day. That's 50% Off regular price!

How Often Are Members Billed?

Annual membership to The Tapping Solution App is just $46.99 for an entire year when you join this 50% Off opportunity. Pay once, and enjoy 12 months of access. 

Research Shows That Tapping Calms the Amygdala in the Brain, Regulates Our Nervous System, and Reduces Stress and Anxiety

EFT Tapping Lowers the Stress Hormone Cortisol by 43%

The prestigious Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, found that EFT Tapping lowered cortisol significantly outperformed the therapies tested against it in the same one-hour timeframe.

Participants who use EFT Tapping to lower stress experienced a 43% reduction in their cortisol levels in just one hour! 

By comparison, traditional talk therapy showed 19% lower cortisol levels, while relaxing & reading decreased cortisol by only 2%. 
EFT Tapping is an Easy, Long-Lasting Treatment for Anxiety Disorders
76% of Those Treated with EFT Tapping Experienced Complete Remission of Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Confirmed by Brain-Scan Results.

After 4-Weeks of acupoint treatment (EFT Tapping), brain scan results showed a shift away from patterns of anxiety, and towards normal levels of brain activity. 

This shift is visible in the scans as a shift from red (dysfunctional waves) to blue (calm state waves). The presence of blue corresponds with a decrease in the frequency and intensity of anxiety symptoms.
Test Anxiety in High School Students Reduced Significantly After EFT Tapping
In a large study, researchers examined 312 high school students and identified 70 of them with high-level test anxiety using the Test Anxiety Inventory. 

These students were taught either EFT Tapping training, or progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) training, and followed up with after 2-months.

Results showed both groups experienced statistically significant decreases in test anxiety, with EFT Tapping showing the largest improvement. 
Change Your Life in 10 Minutes a Day - 
See Who You Are Without All The Stress
☑ 500+ Tapping Meditations
☑ Tap with Tony Robbins
☑ Targeted Extended Series 
 ☑ In-Depth Tapping Challenges
☑ 5 Bestselling Audiobooks

Try 14 Days for Free! 
Stay a Subscriber for 50% OFF - Just $3.92/month Billed Annually.

Plus 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
You've Got Nothing to Lose. We're So Sure You'll Love Premium Access, We Offer a 100% Refund Within 30 Days of Your Premium Purchase if You're Not Satisfied. 

No Questions Asked.

We Removed All The Risk, All You Have To Do Is Keep an Open Mind

You Love Tapping Or You Don't Pay, It's That Simple

Once you sign up, your 14 day free trial will begin. After that, you'll be charged $46.99 per year for premium app access - locking in that 50% OFF for as long as you're a member. If in 30 days from that charge you STILL are not completely and utterly excited about all the growth, peace and understanding that awaits you within your Tapping practice then you don't pay. Simply call or email us within 30 days of your purchase and we'll refund you.* 
* This guarantee is only available when you purchase through this page. If you purchase through Apple or Android you are subject to their Terms and Conditions

Unlimited Downloads

Access 500+ meditations anytime, anywhere with offline downloads.

Always Fresh Content

Fresh meditations, daily inspirations & more added every week.

Support In The Journey

Concierge support is always just a few taps away on your tapping journey.
Change Your Life in 10 Minutes a Day & See Who You Are Without All The Stress
☑ 400+ Tapping Meditations
☑ Tap with Tony Robbins
☑ Targeted Extended Series 
 ☑ In-Depth Tapping Challenges
☑ 5 Bestselling Audiobooks

Try 14 Days for Free! Stay a Subscriber for 50% OFF - Just $3.92/month Billed Annually.
Cancel Anytime. 

Premium FAQ

What is Included in Premium?

The best of The Tapping Solution! Premium users gain 10x more tapping meditations, In-Depth Tapping Challenges, all Tapping Solution NYT Bestsellers on Audiobook & New Meditations Weekly. 

What if I Want to Cancel?

We aren't here to trap you :) Your Premium trial is no commitment. Cancel easily via email, anytime. No questions asked.

When Will I Be Charged?

Enjoy 14 days of free access! If you stay a subscriber, you'll be charged $47.99 (or just $3.92 a month), on the 15th day. 

How Often Are Members Billed?

Annual membership to The Tapping Solution App is just $47.99 for an entire year when you join this 50% Off opportunity. Pay once, and enjoy 12 months of access. 

The Flash Sale Ends:

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Plus 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
You've Got Nothing to Lose. We're So Sure You'll Love Premium Access, We Offer a 100% Refund Within 30 Days of Your Premium Purchase if You're Not Satisfied. 

No Questions Asked.
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