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We're Making the 2019 Tapping World Summit Package Available At Almost 70% OFF the Regular Price On This Page Only...

Get Access to the World's Leading Tapping Experts to Release Stress, Eliminate Traumas, Overcome Limiting Beliefs and Dramatically Improve Your Finances, Health, Levels of Happiness and So Much More...

Digital Package

Was $197...  On This Page Only:
Just click the green button below and you'll get immediate access to the 25 Tapping World Summit Presentations, transcripts, workbook, the 10 bonus meditations, the stress relief CD MP3's, and 20 bonus presentations!
90 Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee!
If you're not 100% satisfied we don't expect... or want... to keep your money. Simply notify us by calling us or by emailing us within 90 days and we'll give you your money back, no questions asked. We'll even let you keep all of the bonuses for FREE!
Nick Ortner
Think about any challenges you're currently dealing with...
Whether they're with finances, weight loss, relationships, physical pain, overwhelming emotions, or whatever else you're struggling with...

Are there things that you could be doing, if there were absolutely no limitations on you, that would help this problem? 

For example with weight loss, could you be exercising more and eating better? I'm sure you'd say "yes, absolutely." The challenge is of course rewiring our brain so that the way we think, feel and act is different. So that we're motivated to exercise, so that we don't struggle with food cravings, so that we're not overwhelmed with cortisol that holds on to weight.

This is what Tapping does so beautifully.  And it does this with all the areas of our life where we struggle.
When we tap, we rewire the brain to act and react differently...
  • We rewire the brain to make better decisions and take better actions that lead to more financial success...
  • We rewire the brain so that we show up different in life and attract better relationships, or we show up better in our current ones...
  • ​We rewire the brain to release physical pain from our body as our bodies release the traumas and emotions that hold pain in place...
  • ​We rewire the brain to react differently to external circumstances, allowing us to live with less stress, anxiety, and overwhelm...
  • ​And so much more... 
Every time you tap on a meridian point, while going through the tapping process and focusing on the challenge you're dealing with, you are sending a calming signal to your brain that is rewiring it...
Tapping works to literally rewire the brain, to change neuropathways so that you actually want to do the things that are going to improve your life and make you feel better.

This is why Tapping works when other things fail and why I've brought together the world's leading EFT Tapping experts from around the world, to guide you in creating the life that you truly desire!

A life where you have the things you want like financial success... the weight, body and health you deserve... deep and meaningful relationships... and a level of stress that is normal and healthy. I want you to be able to create a life that is truly fulfilling at its core.

That's what the Tapping World Summit is all about and that's why...
I've brought together the world's leading EFT Tapping experts to share their knowledge in 25 content-packed presentations!
Now you can take just what you learn in the Tapping Solution book you just ordered, and learn how to do the Tapping and implement it on your own...

But wouldn't it be so much easier and faster to be guided by the world's leading experts to get the results you're looking for faster?   

That's why...
I'm Making the Tapping World Summit Package Available At Almost 70% OFF the Regular Price On This Page Only...
Here are the speakers and topics...
You Can Get Immediate Access to All Of These Presentations, Plus the Workbook, Transcripts and Bonuses Listed Below At Almost 70% OFF the Regular Price...

Digital Package

Was $197...  On This Page Only:
Just click the green button below and you'll get immediate access to the 25 Tapping World Summit Presentations, transcripts, workbook, the 10 bonus meditations, the stress relief CD MP3's, and 20 bonus presentations!
Here's what you get when you upgrade your access level, and get full access to this powerful program...
#1: Complete Download Access to all 25 Event Presentations Plus CD's Shipped to Your Door
Listen to and tap-along with all of the powerful event presentations after the event is over.

If you want to get bigger results, and go deeper, then upgrading will give you the opportunity to do so.
#2: The Over 300 Page Workbook PDF Which Goes Along With Each Individual Presentation from the Summit
Want to go even deeper with the information you'll learn in each presentation? When you upgrade you'll get access to 353 pages of workbooks that are specifically designed to go along with each of the 25 presentations.

Each speaker from the summit has contributed to this powerful workbook to help you maximize your results with Tapping.

You'll be amazed at what you uncover as you go through the questions and tapping scripts provided. These have been designed to help you uncover limiting beliefs and unlock trapped emotions so you can get to the core of your issue much quicker and move into the life you want to have.
#3: 10 Tapping Meditations to go along with each day's presentations
You’ll get access to 10 Tapping Meditations, recorded by Jessica Ortner, the host of all 10 Annual Tapping World Summits, to go along with each day of the summit.

You’ll be able to use this to reinforce the lessons from each day's presentations as well as to work on new issues that come up.
#4: The Tapping World Summit Private Facebook Community
This is a private, secret group that non-members cannot see or follow. Participation is, of course, optional depending on how involved you want to get but I highly recommend it as it’s an amazing support structure and a great place to get answers in your Tapping journey!

You’ll get special access to Facebook Live calls with Nick and Jessica Ortner in this group as well!
#5: Plus 20 Bonus Presentations When You Upgrade Today...
Just Click On The Button Below to Upgrade Your Order Now...

Digital Package

Was $197...  On This Page Only:
Just click the green button below and you'll get immediate access to the 25 Tapping World Summit Presentations, transcripts, workbook, the 10 bonus meditations, the stress relief CD MP3's, and 20 bonus presentations!
90 Day No Questions Asked Money-Back Guarantee!
If you're not 100% satisfied we don't expect... or want... to keep your money. Simply notify us by calling us or by emailing us within 90 days and we'll give you your money back, no questions asked. We'll even let you keep all of the bonuses for FREE!
Nick Ortner
Copyright 2019 - The Tapping Solution - All Right Reserved
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