Join the Over 50,000 People Who Have Already Gone Through this Challenge! 

Become Free From the Grips of Anxiety in Just 5 Days With the Release Anxiety Challenge!

Join the 5 day challenge now when you start your 14 Day Free Trial of The Tapping Solution App. Plus, after the 14 days you only pay a discounted $47 per year for as long as you stay a member. Cancel at any time!

The Challenge Starts March 15th

Wave Good-Bye to Anxiety in Just a Few Minutes a Day...  

I'm Jess Ortner, New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Tapping Solution for Weight Loss and Body Confidence - and I promise, the above statement is absolutely possible. :) 

The first time we ran our Release Anxiety Challenge a few months back, we had over 50,000 people go through the 5 day challenge with amazing results. Lives were transformed by the daily Tapping meditation sessions in the challenge and our team was in awe of transformations experienced from participants from all over the world (some of whom you'll get to hear from below!). 

It was a no-brainer to run the 5-Day "Release Anxiety" Challenge again! After all...  

The last year has been an incredibly stressful time for us all, to say the least!

Obviously, many of us can say we've dealt with more anxiety than usual this year. About everything. Work, finances, politics, our children and their future....and the uncertainty of this future in the midst of a pandemic.

But the truth is, we were pretty anxious as a society even before the pandemic.  

In modern society, loneliness has been on the rise for quite some time; relationship factors such as divorce are as prevalent as ever; many suffer from violence, including childhood abuse and neglect; we obsess over increased working hours and more stressful work procedures. We often feel a general lack of control over our own destinies.

How could such factors NOT affect our overall health? 

What's more: As society advances, it creates new anxieties. Our constant connection to social media, the news, emails, our work and more has made it that our brains and nervous systems are always on high alert. 

Personally, if I didn't have Tapping during this chaotic year, my fear and anxiety would have been through the roof. That's what anxiety is: fear and stress about the future. With Tapping, we're able to stop it dead in its tracks in less than 12 minutes. 

When you start your 14 day free trial of The Tapping Solution App today, you'll get full access to the 5-Day Release Anxiety Tapping Meditation Series directly in the app, as well as all of the over 300 Tapping Meditations in the app, which you can access from your phone or tablet at any time!

Here's How the Challenge Works:

Step 1:

 Sign Up For the Challenge by Starting Your 14 Day Free Trial

The challenge is delivered through our Tapping Solution App, which features hundreds of Tapping Meditations. During this challenge, we’ll be focusing on 5 tapping meditations (1 per day).

Step 2:

Tap with the 5 Day Release Anxiety Series

 For 5 days commit to spending 12 minutes Tapping along to the “Release Anxiety Series” in the App. You can do it anywhere, at any time, just from your phone 

Step 3:

Get Measurable Results With the Challenge or Cancel Your Trial

With a 4.8 star rating on Apple with over 6,000 reviews and 4.7 star rating on Android with over 4,000 reviews... we know Tapping and this app works! But if you don't see results, just cancel your free trial and never get charged!
What is Tapping?
Tapping, also known as EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), is a powerful holistic healing technique that resolves a range of issues. It's based on the combined principles of ancient Chinese acupressure and modern psychology.

The basic Tapping technique requires you to focus on a negative emotion at hand. This can be a fear, a worry, a bad memory, or any unresolved problem. You do this while maintaining your mental focus on this issue. Then you use your fingertips to tap 5-7 times on 9 specific meridian points of the body.

Tapping on these meridian endpoints, while addressing the root cause of distress, sends a calming signal to the brain. This allows you to feel relaxed and in control.

With the Release Anxiety Challenge, you'll be following along with a new mediation each day, they are each simple and powerful that only take 12 minutes per day.  All you have to do is open the app, press play, and tap along!
Tapping is Transforming the Way We Deal With Stress


Research Shows That Tapping Calms the Amygdala in the Brain, Regulates Our Nervous System, and Reduces Stress and Anxiety
Tapping Regulates the Nervous System, Which Strengthens the Immune System
Tapping puts the body back into the parasympathetic (relaxation) nervous system response. This allows the immune system, digestive system, reproductive system and endocrine system to function as it should.
Tapping Calms the Brain and Boosts Brainpower
Have you ever noticed that you get great ideas when you're in the shower? Want to know why? It's because your amygdala was calm and you were accessing the full resources of your brain.  Luckily research shows that when we Tap we send a calming signal to the amygdala of the brain, letting it know it's safe to relax!
Tapping Eliminates Stress and Anxiety
Above all, Tapping reduces stress and anxiety, allowing us to simply feel better every day. This leads us to do better at work, lose weight more easily, boost our immune system so our health improves, improve relationships, improve our confidence... essentially ALL the areas of our life are lifted!
The Science and Research Behind Tapping Is Powerful...


Research Shows That Tapping Calms the Amygdala in the Brain, Regulates Our Nervous System, and Reduces Stress and Anxiety

EFT Tapping Lowers the Stress Hormone Cortisol by 43%

A landmark study published in 2012 in the prestigious Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, found that EFT Tapping lowered cortisol significantly more than traditional talk therapy or resting.

In this study, participants were split into three groups and cortisol, often know as the stress hormone, was measured.

After treatment, the control group, which had been reading magazines, showed an increase in 2% in cortisol.  The 2nd group, the psychoeducation group, cortisol decreased by 19% after 1 hour of treatment.  In the 3rd group, the Tapping group, cortisol decreased by 43% after 1 hour of treatment!  More than twice the speed of the 2nd group! 
EFT Tapping Reduces Food Cravings and fMRI Scans Show Changes in the Brain
In this study 15 obese adults in total; 10 were allocated to an EFT Tapping treatment, and 5 to a control group (where they received no intervention for their cravings). They were all scanned using fMRI before and after a four-week EFT Tapping treatment phase.
Tapping Positively Influences Gene Expression in 72 Genes
In a small pilot study on the physiological effect of EFT Tapping, genetic expression changed in numerous genes implicated in overall health. Generally, immunity genes were up-regulated while inflammation genes were down-regulated.
Test Anxiety in High School Students Reduced Significantly After EFT Tapping
In a large study, American researchers examined 312 high school students and identified 70 of them with high-level test anxiety using the Test Anxiety Inventory. They randomly assigned these 70 students to a control group that received progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) techniques or to an experimental group that received EFT Tapping treatment.
EFT Tapping is Shown to Be a Fast, Long-Lasting Treatment for Anxiety
76% of Patients Treated with EFT Experienced Complete Remission & Brain Scans Confirm Changes. The brain scans show a shift toward normal levels of brain activity in patients treated with acupoint (EFT). The images shift from red (highly dysfunctional waves) to blue (calmer state), and this corresponded with a decrease in the frequency and intensity of anxiety symptoms.
What you will get in your free trial

Over 300 Tapping Meditations For...

  • Creating Emotional Freedom: Includes Tapping Meditations to Release Anxiety, Stress, Anger, Fear, Grief, Loneliness, Shame, Self-Doubt, Guilt, Regret, the Pain of Rejection, Sadness, and More...
  • Supporting Your Body: Includes Tapping Meditations to Support You With Allergies, Asthma, Cancer, Cholesterol, Headaches, Heart Problems, Back Pain, Neck Problems, Ulcers, TMJ, and More...
  • Getting Motivated: Includes Tapping Meditations to Motivate You to Have a Productive Day, Change a Habit, Clear Clutter, Eat Better, Exercise, Finish Something Hard, Get Organized, Make a Decision, and More...
  • Other Categories Include: Relationships. Pregnancy & Early Motherhood, Wealth and Abundance, Parents and Kids, Sleep Support, Turning Your Day Around, Weight Loss and Body Confidence, and More...
Here's What Doctors, Psychologists, Speakers, Celebrities, Authors and Other Experts Have Said About EFT Tapping...

“Tapping is a breakthrough, research-backed technique that I’ve used in my life and seen people around the world get incredible results with. The Tapping Solution App is an easy and powerful way to get started.”

Tony Robbins
#1 NY Times Best-Selling Author, Philanthropist, and the Nation’s #1 Life and Business Strategist

"Tapping is easily accessible and works instantly for fat loss, improving self-image and becoming your very best self"

JJ Virgin
New York Times Best-Selling Author of The Virgin Diet

"Tapping is one of the most directed and powerful ways to peel away those layers of chronic stress." 

Dr. Mark Hyman
10 Times New York Times Best-Selling Author

“Tapping is a powerful tool I use in my personal and professional work."

Iyanla Vanzant
Host of "Iyanla Fix My Life" on the OWN Network and Author of Get Over It

"Put away your skepticism. This really works. I've had great results with Tapping in my own life."

Wayne Dyer
New York Times Best-Selling Author of Wishes Fulfilled

"I use Tapping on a regular basis and have personally benefited from this powerful method. It's one of the most important practices in my healing arsenal."

Kris Carr
New York Times Best-Selling Author

“Tapping is a very interesting, innovative, and mind-changing technique!"

Russell Brand
Comedian, Actor, Radio Host, Writer, and Activist

“I have been Tapping daily for the past 3 days and can totally feel a shift.”

LeAnn Rimes
American Singer and Grammy Nominee

“I was first introduced to Tapping when I experienced anxiety after having my daughter. It helped immediately and through practice I felt a shift.”

Pussy Cat Dolls, Multi-Platinum Artist
Mark Hyman, M.D., Tony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Lissa Rankin, Cheryl Richardson, Iyanla Vanzant, Bob Proctor, Jack Canfield, Gabby Bernstein, Dawson Church, Ph.D., Kris Carr, Brendon Burchard, Jim Kwik, Danielle Laport, Marie Forleo, Dr. Joseph Dispenza, Reid Tracy, JJ Virgin, the list goes on and on...
Over 6,300 Reviews In the App Store and Google Play With An Average Rating of 4.8 out of 5.0!
Click the "Start My Free Trial" Button Below to Start Your 14 Day Free Trial and Join the Release Anxiety Challenge!

Normally $95!

FREE for 14 Days!

Then just $47/year (50% OFF!). Cancel at any time.

30 Day Money-Back Guarantee!
On top of the 14 day free trial, we're giving you a 30 day money-back guarantee!  If you're not 100% satisfied with the app simply notify us by emailing us within 30 days and we'll give you your money back, no questions asked. That gives you a full 44 days from today (14 day free trial + 30 day guarantee) to try out the app, see results and know it is helping you! 
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